Sunday, May 24, 2009


Woo hoo, baby! Vacation, here I come!

Keep in tune. I have stuff set to go all week, and now I have a new toy that will hopefully let me launch them from the castle (if I can get a signal up there).

See ya when I see ya.


  1. Hey, if THAT'S your castle, I'm definitely there! :) You guys have a great time!


  2. Ok, I want to know how your like your new toy. I've been looking at those, and am really interested to know what ya think. And how expensive is it to run on a monthly basis. :)

    Oh, and nice cottage by the way. :)

  3. @mickey, Sorry I missed you.

    @kate, I'm taking it back tomorrow. It didn't work at the castle, and it is not powerful enough for a serious user like us. It would be fine for a quick look at emails or something, but I think I will have to look at saving up for a real laptop.

    They have two plans, one is $40/month, but is ridiculously limited. The other is $60 per month and would be good for casual use.
