Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Scott Walker Steals Our Schtick

Oh, the irony of it all.

The Stevens Point Journal chose to print one of Walker's attacks on Doyle on their opinion page. It starts out with this (emphasis mine):
Wisconsin deserves a government that puts the needs of its citizens first, a state that places public safety and the education of its children above the demands of the special interests. We deserve a government that finds new ways to do more with less, not one that looks for new ways to tax families and employers when they can least afford it.
Now, look at the original presser for Milwaukee County First, that true grassroots group (as opposed to these corporate- and lobbyist-sponsored anti-affordable health care people):
The causes of this decline in Milwaukee County’s status are many, from the dire
economic times we are in, to local leaders, past and present, who have put their selfinterests
before those of the people they serve. It is time, if not beyond time, for civic
leaders to once again put the interests of Milwaukee County first.

It is time to make Milwaukee County a first-class economic and social region for the
State of Wisconsin and the entire Midwest. This is why residents from throughout
Milwaukee County have come together to form Milwaukee County First.
It's bad enough that he is a proven liar, but does he have to try to steal or schtick while he's at it?

I wonder how many people will pick up on the irony of Walker pretending to be worried about the public safety when he is the one that wants to cut all the funding to the homeless as well as the Emergency Medical System*. Just so he can appeal to the special interest groups like WMC, CRG, and AFP, to name but a few.

*Cutting the County's funding of the EMS will also force the local municipalities to raise their taxes to be able to continue to provide these services. I guess this makes Walker a tax raiser by proxy.


  1. ........just thought I'd stop by and issue a veiled threat......

  2. It's one of your more endearing traits.

  3. Walker's got a lot of balls, gotta give him that.

    not that balls mean anything.
