Saturday, March 5, 2011

Breaking: Walker Bans Republicans From Capitol

On Facebook, a group called Wisconsin State Workers Against Scott Walker posted this photo from the Capitol Building:

It might be a little difficult to read, but the first line of banned items reads:
Animals/Snakes (exception: service animals)
This does raise a couple of interesting questions:
  • Is Walker and his staff really so stupid that they think snakes aren't animals?
  • If snakes are banned, doesn't that mean that the Republicans cannot enter?

1 comment:

  1. As an amateur herpetologist I find this to be biologically ignorant as well as offensive. Please don't denigrate noble and peaceful creatures such as snakes by comparing them to republicans. Weasels are a much more apropiate animal metaphor. Remember the "Don't tread on Me" flag displaying the timber rattlesnake was one our countries first symbols against the tyrannical oppression of Great Britain.
